
January 20 at 6:00 pm - Last picture of the day!
Next picture tomorrow at 7:30 am

Current Pat Bay Image spacer
Updated: @ 31/12/1969 05:50 - next update at 00:00  
Summary / Temperature Wind Rain Outlook
Night time, Dry Night time, Dry
Currently: 0.0°C, Max: 0.8°C, Min: -1.5°C 0.0°C
Warmer 1.4°C than last hour.


Feels like: 0°C

24-hr difference
0.9°CWarmer 0.9°C than yesterday at this time.
  Today Yesterday
High: 0.8°C
Low: -1.5°C
 Wind from W W
1.8 km/h
0 Bft - Light Air
Today: 20.4 km/h 05:18
Gust Month: 29.5 km/h January 16
Rain Today: 0.0 mm
Rain Rate (/hr): 0.00 mm
Rain Yesterday: 0.1 mm
Storm Rain: 0.0 mm
This Month: 39.2 mm
Season Total: 824.6 mm
17 rain days in January.
Tuesday night
Humidity & Barometer Almanac Moon
Humidity: 88 % Decreased 3.0% since last hour.
Dew Point: -1.8°C Increased 0.9°C since last hour.
Barometer: 103.0 kPa Rising 0.1  kPa/hr
Baro Trend: Rising slowly
Sunrise: 07:55
Sunset: 16:53
Moonrise: 00:42
Moonset: 10:48
Waning Gibbous
Waning Gibbous, Moon at 21 days in cycle
UV Index Solar Radiation
   0.0    None
High: 0.0 @ 00:00
0 W/m2 (0 %)
High: 0 @  00:00

 EC Weather Forecast  - Outlook: Today & Tonight
Mainly sunny
Mainly sunny

Max: 6°C
EC forecast: Mainly sunny. Wind up to 15 km/h. High 6. Wind chill minus 7 this morning. UV index 1 or low.
Tuesday night

Min: -1°C
EC forecast: Cloudy. Low minus 1 except plus 2 near the water.

Nighttime Twilight Daytime Moonlight Speckle Incoming Tide Outgoing Tide
There is a thing called the Maori Fishing Calendar. It is published in various forms in New Zealand. The Maori (and many other Pacific peoples) found that on certain days of the lunar cycle, fishing was better than at other times. These days are mainly the few days surrounding the New Moon. Does this stuff really work? It's not infallible. There are, after all, still the effects of weather and season to be factored in. However, many people are quite convinced that, on balance, you will catch more “fish per unit effort” on a day when the Maori calendar predicts good fishing than on other days.

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